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Writer's picture: Paul HowePaul Howe

Trumps Blitzkrieg on his agendas and wokeism


President Trump has rolled out his agenda and the Democrats are on their heels, if not the floor.


I cannot keep up with the number of positive changes that are happening in all directions each day.  From Sec Def Hegseth to DNI Gabbard, to Patel to Noem.


I wish our President well in killing of the DC snake. Revoking security clearances was an important step in breaking the stranglehold the intel types have on our country.  They were bought and paid for the by democrats and are another link in the chain that was intellectually retarding/restricting the information flow to the average American.


All President Trump must do, to keep the liberals nuts in a vice is to tell the truth about the democrats and their current/past corruption and control.


Also, I would love to see our U.S. Marshals apprehend Dr. Mengele Fauci and turn him over to Russia because an arrest warrant issued by Putin.  Gulag that mass murderer.



The Socialist Dumpster Fire-California


Socialist of politicians surround themselves with other socialist types of lesser quality.  They do not want competition with their god complex, so they bring in associates of lower quality to push their agendas.  This trickle-down ignorance and arrogance can be seen in California politics and in the results of failed policies.


Third world countries can get water from their fire hydrants. But not in LA


The 10-20% of good people are carrying the other 80-90%.  It is a train wreck. 


Who will bail them out?  The rest of us.  Will lessons be learned?  I sure hope so.  It should come with common sense strings attached.


Even the liberal actors are turning on their state government.


Upcoming Classes Added to the Calendar:


CQB Class

We have added a CQB class on 15-16 March.  Some folks are coming a day early for a tune up session. 


If you are interested in the “Tune Up” or the class, contact me.


Long Range Hunter Class

A Long-Range Hunter class to the calendar which will take place 4-5 April, which is a Friday/Saturday.



Based off the Leadership and Training for the Fight seminars, we are working on updating the seminar to include Terrorism Awareness and how LE can better prepare at both large and small agencies.


It is not about “If” it will happen, but “When.”  Fate favors the prepared and trained.


If you are LE, this would be 8 hours.  Let me know if you are interested in hosting.


The Illusion of Success

I have watched Law Enforcement trends for many years. Currently as in the past, LE managers embrace the “Illusion of Success” instead of the reality of it. Unfortunately, Law Enforcement can be either a profession or a welfare job.  The command climate dictates much of this reality.


With the welfare mindset, the lower end of training and preparedness is impacted. Officers can do a stellar job or do a “just get by job” and they are treated the same.  Morale usually suffers when this approach is taken.


When “Leaders” look at their life work as a “Profession,” generally only good things will come out of it.


Going back Old School


DEI and the trickle down Woke Programs of the outgoing political administration have failed miserably.  Some LE commands embraced it as LE is full of mangers and not leaders.  Morale is in the dumps along with the hard skills of their officers. 


Recently our local Police Department Tac Team in “Nachoville,” as I affectionately call it, threw together a few officers and went to a charity shooting competition in Houston, competing with the big dog agencies.


They won it. It was iron sights with rifles and pistols and their fundamentals in training found them victorious over agencies with over 5,500 officers with “competition teams” and other state agencies. Solid fundamentals in shooting over trendy gadgets and social feel-good pacifiers from agencies carried the day.


Rewarding Social Trends-A Monkey dressed in silk is still a Monkey

LE managers have rewarded officers with trends instead of substance.  Beards, lax tattoo policies make officers “feel” socially acceptable, but do nothing for preparedness.  Managers never learned what wearing a uniform means.  It separates officers from those they serve, both visually and mentally. Remember, vaginas can grow beards.


Red Dot Sights (RDS) on pistols is a current trend. It makes officers feel confident, but they still have little or no shooting standards to adhere to.  State standards and times are a joke. Instructor times and standards have not been updated in over 25 years in Texas.  Those standards were directly taken from revolver standards.


Some feel good that they have a RDS on their pistols, only knowing deep down they will still likely miss when game day comes or they will not find their dot under high-stress.


Leave no Officer Behind Mentality


Someone forgot to tell LE managers that it is okay to fail or fire someone.  The thought of keeping unqualified officers on the force is the same is leaving a cancerous tumor in your body. This results morale issues and it can impact public trust. After proper counseling and mentoring, get rid of them if they are unqualified.  It will boost morale as others know there is a standard and promote pride.


Recycling problem officers out to be a School Resource Officer (SRO) is an issue.  Schools should not be a dumping ground for officers that do not fit. SRO should be a reward for years of hard service where and officer can get on a stable shift and have some quality family time or just a well-deserved break.


Empire Building


I have watched this in state and government funded agencies as well as large and small departments.  Build an empire and protect it at all cost.  Even if there are better solutions to take care of business, work, or train. This is another factor in officers voting with their feet.  The idea that no one can have a better idea or positive input to your agency is egotistical and a morale killer.


The Future


Hopefully, the writing is on the wall with recent terrorist attacks, the pendulum will be swinging back with some good old fashioned Law Enforcement. 


Profiling will come back into the profession as a viable tool to find and apprehend bad guys. Seeing and ignoring signals and warning signs/indicators is just dumb and part of the DEI mindset and agenda.


As LE becomes more aggressive in their job, they will find their lack of training will have an impact with more “blood on the floor” because of low training standards.




It will be important for agencies to revamp, upgrade and intensify training for officer survival.  Some agencies have solid programs and they should be maintained and upgraded as needed.  Many agencies do not have solid programs.  Also, be careful of who you bring in to teach.


There is a current crop of ex-GWOT trainers who do not know LE and their missions, who will sell whatever you are willing to pay for. Much of it is garbage.  Seek training that is proven, solid and that can be built upon. Use mature SWAT officers to sort out what is viable and not.


Shooting is just part of a comprehensive training package, that is habitually ignored by commands.




LE is cyclic.  Leadership and management are cyclic. Training programs are cyclic, but should not be. They should be a steady progression instead of a fall-down and then build back up type of mentality. Positive and proactive training programs help insure officer survival.


Finally, positive, and realistic training standards build morale and confidence which will ensure superior results on the streets in the future. 


Rough times are on the horizon.  Prepare for them




We have a “soft” calendar started at this point.  If you have groups or need training, let me know and we can get it on the schedule. This means if you have a small group, we can build a class around your dates and back fill it.


I keep room for special classes that always come up.  It helps if you start planning now. Once someone commits, they own the dates.




When attending CSAT classes in the future, please have:

  •        Electronic Ears

  •        Tourniquet

  •       Thumb drive


The reasoning behind the Electronic Ears is simple. We want you to hear range commands on the line and during scenarios.  Input can be made without shouting.


As for Tourniquets, I watch many a person who have one on their gear, not use it as they don’t want to remove it from the pouch or the plastic.  If your tourniquet, is so fragile that it cannot be used for training, you need to buy a different one.  You should have training tourniquets as well.  If you need one, the Pro Shop will be happy to sell you one.


Finally, bring a thumb drive to collect class information and handouts.




Our new comprehensive training website is up. Over 470 videos and articles.



We are cutting back our footprint on YouTube and will reestablish it on another website. 


We continue to work on new video content for the Patreon Operator and Patreon Instructor. The site currently has over 227 videos.


You can visit “The CSAT Way” on FaceBook for video updates.





While the barracks has saved many a student money in the past, I must unfortunately raise the rent.  To stay there for a two- or three-day class, it is $100 extra to class tuition.  Power, water, AC/Heat has all gone up as well as maintenance and maintenance contracts.  Send any complaints to Joe Biden, PODUS. Also, if you are a current LEO paying on your own dime, the barracks increase does not apply to you.   This will take place in the Fall


We have a clearance on Knives and Hawks.  Contact the shop for details.


 “Be sure to check in at for our line of Tomahawks and limited-edition blades.”






It is getting cooler and it makes the maintenance and training more enjoyable.






S&W 351c, Speer GDHP short barrel 40gr ammoHogs were 125-170lb each.Tape measure in pic is approximate track of the bullet.Dispatch was frontal shot to the head at app 10ft.  Other shot was behind the shoulder at 21ft.  Expansion was noted on the dispatch bullet, it also had significant impact with bone.  The other shot was a clean pass through with no impact to bone.  2nd bullet was under the skin on opposite side.  Both had approximately 9-11” penetration.Hog was a male, and skins were fairly thick, app 1/2” with fat and gristle.


 The 22mag from the 351c seems very similar to a 22lr performance when fired from a rifle at 10-30yds.  As far as how it’s actually acting inside the tissue…. Based on multiple other animals I’ve shot and butchered. 22mag from a rifle is another thing altogether, the difference is most likely d/t velocity.


In short, when fired from a revolver, the rounds act as ball rounds with good penetration. I do not think they have enough velocity to expand properly.


However, 3 for 3 dead pigs, one required a second anchor shot.




Thank you and we look forward to seeing you on the range.


Paul R. Howe

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