When attending CSAT classes in the future, please have the following:
· Electronic Ears
· Tourniquet
· Thumb drive
The reasoning behind the Electronic Ears is simple. We want you to hear range commands on the line and during scenarios. Input can be made without shouting.
As for Tourniquets, I watch many people who have one on their gear not use it because they don’t want to remove it from the pouch or the plastic. If your tourniquet is so fragile that it cannot be used for training, you need to buy a different one. You should have training tourniquets as well. If you need one, the Pro Shop will happily sell you one.
Finally, bring a thumb drive to collect class information and handouts.
We are cutting back our footprint on YouTube and will reestablish it on another website.
We continue developing new video content for the Patreon Operator and Patreon Instructor. The site currently has over 227 videos.
You can visit “The CSAT Way” on FaceBook for video updates.
While the barracks have saved many students money in the past, I must, unfortunately, raise the rent. To stay there for a two- or three-day class, it is $100 extra to class tuition. Power, water, AC/Heat, and maintenance contracts have increased. Send any complaints to Joe Biden, PODUS. Also, if you are a current LEO paying on your own dime, the barracks increase does not apply to you. This will take place in the Fall
After years of official and unofficial scripting/watering down of our government standards, we can see from the attempted President Trump assassination the results of such policies in our Federal Agencies including our military.
The entire Secret Service incident was a shit show of what only government incompetence can fund. If civilian businesses were to apply the same DEI standards, they would quickly fail and go bankrupt unless they were bankrolled by federal funds.
Having worked protection at the highest levels, I am amazed at such a clusterf### but not surprised. Nor am I surprised that the current Secret Service Director admits the “buck stops here” but reluctantly resigns.
The entire chain of command involved in the incident should be fired, and the action should be documented in their personnel files.
Now, rebuilding must take place.
With the SS inaction, one can only wonder what the FBI is currently like.
Democrats turn the Federal Machine into a politically driven arm that creates leadership spots for those who support the Dems, not the Constitution. Most are not qualified for the positions.
When President Trump gets back into office, he needs to clean house and start Federal Task Forces in all directions of corruption that the current administration has allowed to slide.
Start by building a dozen more Federal Prisons and staffing them with patriots. Bob Mendez’s conviction is a good start, and he and his political cronies need to be relocated to newly furnished gray bar hotels for their corruption and evil ways.
As for the many local agencies, the inaction and reactions by their officers were not surprising.
I feel sorry for the professionals in all law enforcement agencies trying to do the right thing, only to be surrounded by ticket-punching bosses and DEI hires. DEI is a form of communism/socialism where everyone is considered equal, but their output is not in any way equal.
From Coy…
DEI is an insidious parasite that decreases the quality and capability of any agency in which it’s embedded. Good individuals within still exist, but the public paints them with the same brush as the incompetent DEI hires. That being said, here are some Secret Service memes to make you feel better about your job.
Kamala will be in the spotlight for a short period of time. She and the media covered for her boss, a walking pedophile with a diaper who should be in a Depends commercial and not the Oval Office.
The ultimate failures trail back to Obama, the puppeteer, pulling the strings. The sad fact is that all the policies that the democrats have implemented have, at best, failed, and most look like a dumpster fire. Nothing good has come out of it, only that we have a segment of our population that blindly follows these tick turds and are as equally brain dead.
To sum up, the democratic strategy is simple: control. Bloat the federal government into a mass of impotence and inefficiency to control the American people and attempt to direct their fantasy views of life.
What really hammers home the media's corruption and complicity is its coverage of Harris. All I see are flattering photos of her in designer clothes.
She is one debate or sound bite away from being crushed in the polls, yet the media now says it is a neck-and-neck race. She has done nothing for years and only promises four more years of the same.
If President Trump is in a neck-and-neck race with this clown, our country is doomed because we have too many brain-dead leeches who are dependent on government handouts. I think it is simply democratic propaganda wanting to sway the weak-minded.
The TP Med class scheduled for September has been changed to a Two-Day Tac Pistol Med, with barracks included for $700, which covers the cost of bandages used in the class. The class is $650 without the use of the barracks.
CSAT Staff will instruct two-day Tac Pistol Live Fire with Medical Modules in NACOGDOCHES, TEXAS.
New or Old Shooters looking for a two-day Low Volume (300 rounds) course to get you comfortable with weapons and with integrated tourniquet and packing modules, this course is for you. This class instructs students on the following:
Pistol or Rifle Shooting Calibration
Room Pies
T Intersection
Tourniquet Application
Wound Packing
Care Under Fire/Moving Injured
Adequate Physical Shape
Pistol, Eyes, Ears, Inclement weather gear., 3 pistol mags and quality holster.
If it is a Rifle Course, Eyes, Ears, Inclement weather gear, 3 rifle mags and a sling on your rifle.
Students need a notebook or pad to take notes. They also need water in a One-Gallon Jug and a Thumb Drive of 64 G or larger for class information.
Pistol Ball (or duty) 300 or
Rifle Ball (or duty) 300
HOTELS: Several local and close (Holiday Inn Express, Hampton Inn, etc.)
This course is limited to (16 students). Tuition-$700 w/Barracks. $650 without Barracks
Contact Paul at:
No refunds/cancellations 30 days before class start.
We will run another high-rep Special Skills class for alumni who have taken our CQB class.
We have added a Tactical Knife Class from Aug 31 to Sept 1, and it will be taught by Coy Harry.
If you’re interested in attending the Shoot House Instructor course, you can go through it while we teach an Advanced Hostage Rescue Live Fire Course.
You will work with new students under supervision and see both sides of the teaching equation. Contact Nick for details.
“Check in at for our line of Tomahawks and limited-edition blades.”
We have a clearance on Knives and Hawks. Contact the shop for details.
Rain and more mowing is the job of the month. The good news is that it has been the coolest July I can remember.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you on the range.
Paul R. Howe
Given the reduced virality of dordle each subsequent edition in comparison to earlier phenomena such as Taylordle and Lewdle, the rewards are clearly reducing. The shark has unequivocally been jumped.